Thursday, April 9, 2009
Profiting from
We live in a online world where we sell and buy from different websites. As in any supply and demand business situation, it is very possible to profit from the selling and buying. Also, due to the amount of web traffic that sites like Craigslist generates, you could post ads and not worry about losing money because it is absolutely free. One way to profit is to make your own blog and sign up with Google adsense, a free program that pays you per click that the adverts they post on your site or blog generates. Then post an advertisement or two on Craigslist about your site or blog with a link to it. Then you will get more web traffic and thus gaining more clicks on the adverts. This will result in you getting paid by Google adsense. There are many ways to get paid online. Making a blog and profiting off adsense is a great way to add a couple of dollars to your pockets.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Willing to Sell any of my Works
I am willing to sell any of my works for a reasonable price. I guarantee that I own all literary items posted on this page. To communicate with me my email is: If we reach a certain point in the selling process where more contact is needed I will provide my phone number.
I will also write fiction or non-fiction pieces custom written for you. You decide on the topic and length, and I will provide an accurate non-fiction piece and an entertaining,tragic or anything else you request.
Contact info- Email Address:
Phone Number: Will be provided during talks
Thank You,
Osman Sheikhnureldin
I will also write fiction or non-fiction pieces custom written for you. You decide on the topic and length, and I will provide an accurate non-fiction piece and an entertaining,tragic or anything else you request.
Contact info- Email Address:
Phone Number: Will be provided during talks
Thank You,
Osman Sheikhnureldin
A few months ago, I signed up for, a free website(paid membership available) where you can meet other writers, share tips, post up poems and any other literary works. It is helping me alot. I have about 10 items posted so far with either a 4.5 or 5 out of 5 rating. You could also use the website to read other peoples stories and rate and review them. Using WDC (writingdotcom) you could gain a fan base and from there launch yourself into writing for money. gives you a free online writing portfolio in which you could store 10 items for free membership and anywhere form 50-900 with a paid account. I currently use a paid account on the site. here is a link to my public portfolio. http://Writing.Com/authors/osman. Please read,comment, and rate.
I've been promised
I've Been Promised
The Moon and the Sun
Still id rather have Food To Eat
I've Been Promised
Night And Day
But no Bread Comes my Way
I've Been Promised
Stacks Upon Stacks of Gold
How 'bout a New Shirt for i have Outgrown the Old
I've Been Promised
Anything of my Heart's Desire
Shed Some light On me, my Situation Is Dire
I've Been Promised
The Key to Paradise
When All I wanted was a Bowl of Rice
I've Been Promised Anything And Everything
From Whole Cities To A Diamond Ring
And Yet I Am Still a Bird With A Broken Wing
After All This I Still Think of Myself as King
For I Have Conquered All
I Have Made My Game Plan And Played The Ball
Now I Have to Get Back To Work
As The Warmer Of The Park Bench
The Moon and the Sun
Still id rather have Food To Eat
I've Been Promised
Night And Day
But no Bread Comes my Way
I've Been Promised
Stacks Upon Stacks of Gold
How 'bout a New Shirt for i have Outgrown the Old
I've Been Promised
Anything of my Heart's Desire
Shed Some light On me, my Situation Is Dire
I've Been Promised
The Key to Paradise
When All I wanted was a Bowl of Rice
I've Been Promised Anything And Everything
From Whole Cities To A Diamond Ring
And Yet I Am Still a Bird With A Broken Wing
After All This I Still Think of Myself as King
For I Have Conquered All
I Have Made My Game Plan And Played The Ball
Now I Have to Get Back To Work
As The Warmer Of The Park Bench
Rhythm of peace
From the crack dealers
Hustling on the streets
To the business men
Calculating profit
Stay at home moms
Cooking for their children
Immigrant workers
Working menial jobs
With little pay
Do you not hear
The drums of unity
Thumping loudly?
Calling out to us
With their peaceful rhythm
Where is your heart?
For the drums have been calling
For many centuries
It's rhythm blocked
By our deaf ears
Let in the rhythm
And close your eyes
Watch closely as it paints
An image in your mind
Breathe in the rhythm
And feel it cleanse
Our hearts of hatred
Breathe out the rhythm
And rejoice as your
Neighbors, children, and relatives
Are cleansed and the power
Of the rhythm grows
As we all unite into
One movement
A movement of peace
Pointing all into one direction
Towards a new world
Peaceful waterfalls flow
Into lively rivers
Peaceful people flow
Into lively movements
Now let the rhythm of peace
Control you, push you
To new limits
Hustling on the streets
To the business men
Calculating profit
Stay at home moms
Immigrant workers
Working menial jobs
With little pay
Do you not hear
The drums of unity
Thumping loudly?
Calling out to us
With their peaceful rhythm
Where is your heart?
For the drums have been calling
For many centuries
It's rhythm blocked
By our deaf ears
Let in the rhythm
And close your eyes
Watch closely as it paints
An image in your mind
Breathe in the rhythm
And feel it cleanse
Our hearts of hatred
Breathe out the rhythm
And rejoice as your
Neighbors, children, and relatives
Are cleansed and the power
Of the rhythm grows
As we all unite into
One movement
A movement of peace
Pointing all into one direction
Towards a new world
Peaceful waterfalls flow
Into lively rivers
Peaceful people flow
Into lively movements
Now let the rhythm of peace
Control you, push you
To new limits
Twisted Alloy
Like a slow killing chemical the VI was slowly gaining power as more and more people, desperate to get back at the government for letting the economy fail, flocked to their cloud fortress. The un-suspecting United States army, led by Major General John Reddings, was ill-prepared for the massive attack on Alabama. The Alabama citizens didn’t even know that they were being attacked, for the VI samurais silently crept past the state borders. The un-motivated Alabama State Patrol simply gave up and ran out of the state with their families. The VI used heat sensors to detect any human presence in any area they occupied. If there is human presence they are given 10 minutes to leave, if this warning is not heeded, parts of human bodies will be all over the floor.
John Redding was not a stupid man, just a much stressed out man. Too many of his soldiers were deserting to join the VI. He was under extreme pressure to take action, however the deserters had a well planned network of supporters throughout the military installations and scores of safe houses, all supplied by the VI. The attack on Alabama put tremendous pressure on John to stop the advance. How could he stop something he can’t see? He was only human. The only help he got from the government was the establishment of the new 30 year draft.
“Number 38906, please come up to the testing booth” Will hear as he let loose a string of curses and walked up to the testing booth. Will was never much of a religious person, but he was going to need all the he could get, for the stories he heard of the war from veterans were not good ones. “Sir please put your arm in the metal chamber” said Doctor Chamberlain, tired of all the insubordination of the draft picks.” Doctor, do you believe in god?” asked Will. “I’m not sure what that has to do with anything but, yes”. “Then let me leave!” howled Will. Having no tolerance for people with attitude problems, Doctor Chamberlain had the security guards forcefully push Will’s arm into the chamber. As positive results scrolled onto the screen, Will was handed a military identification card and a uniform, not a good thing.
While some of the lower level VI members were new and from the U.S, the samurais are genetically engineered to fight for Jai, their supreme leader. As the fighting in Alabama got more and more gruesome, some samurais were having thoughts of revolt against the VI, a flaw in their genetic code. Any samurai discovered to have these thoughts was decoded and killed instantly. In all 35 years of VI history no samurai has ever revolted against the VI out of the 18 discovered having those deadly thoughts.
Recently, my mind's been thinking of life beyond the VI. But, how is this possible? I was engineered to serve Jai, which is my one and only purpose. I cannot be discovered having these thoughts. The punishment is the most shameful thing that can happen to a samurai, suicide is more honorable than being discovered. The life beyond the VI seems so care free and welcoming. No crazy wars filled with painful deaths best left for the movies. No, I can’t let the life beyond distract me from my mission. This is the worst time for these thoughts. Tomorrow I am being shipped to Alabama, the front lines. If only my friends could see me now, Samurai Bo, fighting the American aggressors.
I didn't want to serve. Not one part of me wants to fight in this war. But whatever, who cares, you know? There is no other choice, the new dissertation laws guarantee quick death for anyone caught making even the slightest planning of escape. I’m not even sure if I’ll live to see next week. I’m being assigned a post at a military installation in Alabama, where all the fighting is taking place. Once I’m there my chances of escaping are as slim as the protection vest I’m forced to war. Damn this war. Who ever said I wanted to be Private Will. To hell with all that.
"You are nothing without Jai! Jai is everything! I am Jai, you are nothing. You will fight for me!" Damn these VI speeches. The moment I touch down on Alabama soil, I'm gone. And that's exactly what I said to Jai. And now I am in a prison with American POW's and not the execution chamber, simply because I have too much influence and my death might inspire a revolt. The Americans also don't want to fight this damn war. One of them, Will, seems to want to leave as much as I do. Looks like someone I could trust to help me escape.
"Charge!" yelled John Reddings, the so called general. He can’t even stop his own troops from leaving him. As the personal carrier doors open and the samurais come screaming towards us, I run straight into a group of samurais quickly shooting them with my rifle. I am not bothered by these killings until much later. I continue to run into what used to be a house, as I take up a sniping position I am knocked out and taken prisoner. As the prison hovercraft is floating through the cloud fortress gates, I realize how much of an architectural masterpiece it is. This is certainly not the right time to think of buildings.
At the prison lunch break I walked up to Will and said “I’m tired of this, lets leave". He replied “Whenever you’re ready". That's how we began to hatch up a plan to get out of here and experience the life behind. Every lunch break for over two weeks we watched the guards and planned when the best time was to escape. Finally we came up with a plan to leave when the guards were switching shifts. “Go" I yelled as Will and I knocked down the two main guards and killed the remaining ones with their own rifles. When we made it to the cloud elevator that took us to the surface, I changed into civilian clothe and got ready for a new life.
Bo and I came up with a plan to get out of this hell hole. We quickly busted the two head guards and used their rifles to shoot the others. As the futuristic cloud elevator was nearing to the surface, I thought of all the fun I'd have out there. In the elevator, Bo and I exchanged stories of how we got into the army and how hard training camp when suddenly Bo started asking me questions about fast food. I get to smoke again. Things are looking up. New life, I'm coming!
The life beyond isn't all it's cut out to be. Sure there's fast food and ladies, but after two weeks I'm living in a crummy apartment I share with Will. No TV or air conditioning. Some times I wonder who pays the rent Will and I or the rats and bug that make themselves at home all over the apartment. We live a life of mandatory minimums. The apartment was crummy and infested with rats and all types of vermin, but one I know one thing for sure, it beats the barracks.
I got this apartment to share with Bo. I rule the house. No more John Reddings to boss me around. I’ve been thinking of hiring a full time exterminator, but, of course money’s tight when you don’t have a full-time job. Maybe I could work as an exterminator, got to keep that thought in mind. Next week we're getting jobs at the recreation center and moving into a new house complete with air conditioning and a Plasma TV.
The new house is great. Better than any cloud fortress barracks. Perhaps even Jai's house. The job at the rec center doesn’t require that much work compared to army life. I now live a life of work, relaxation and fast food, for I have fallen in love with this so called, McDonalds. Everything is good!
I’ve been thinking. How much money would Bo and I make if we started a movie production company? Well, sure as hell more than the rec center job. We could make war documentaries through our own movie production business. It would be easy, we’ll make a movie about army life, something both me and Bo know a lot about. After we came back from the rec center, I took this up with Bo. “Sounds great, but we need money to make money” was his reply. And that’s how Bo and I took our idea to the government, asking for a grant. A grant is exactly what we got.
Will and I got our movie production company a name, Real Army Corporation, we hired a couple of people from the rec center to be our actors, planning to fire them after we get enough money to hire professional actors. Our first movie, Through the Clouds, was an instant hit. We got about fourteen million dollars of that movie. Will an I each bought a new house. Even though we live in separate houses we still are friends at work.
The movie business was great, after fourteen million dollars and a box office hit, I bought a mansion, with a hot tub inside and outside. Soon, I was dating this girl I met at one of our movie premier parties, her name was Jade. I proposed to her 3 months after meeting her and she said yes about 6-9 times. At the wedding ceremony, Bo was our best man. We had a great time.
I met this McDonalds waitress who served me the best Big Mac with Large Fries ever. 2 weeks later, we were getting married. The wedding was 2 days after Will’s and he was our best man. I messed up at the, do you take her to be your loving wife, part because it was my first time to hear such a thing.
Now both married and with kids, Bo and will continue to make movies about army life and to support veterans of the war through a charitable organization they started. They each have 3 kids who they love and take care of. They promised each other to never let any of their kids join the army.
John Redding was not a stupid man, just a much stressed out man. Too many of his soldiers were deserting to join the VI. He was under extreme pressure to take action, however the deserters had a well planned network of supporters throughout the military installations and scores of safe houses, all supplied by the VI. The attack on Alabama put tremendous pressure on John to stop the advance. How could he stop something he can’t see? He was only human. The only help he got from the government was the establishment of the new 30 year draft.
“Number 38906, please come up to the testing booth” Will hear as he let loose a string of curses and walked up to the testing booth. Will was never much of a religious person, but he was going to need all the he could get, for the stories he heard of the war from veterans were not good ones. “Sir please put your arm in the metal chamber” said Doctor Chamberlain, tired of all the insubordination of the draft picks.” Doctor, do you believe in god?” asked Will. “I’m not sure what that has to do with anything but, yes”. “Then let me leave!” howled Will. Having no tolerance for people with attitude problems, Doctor Chamberlain had the security guards forcefully push Will’s arm into the chamber. As positive results scrolled onto the screen, Will was handed a military identification card and a uniform, not a good thing.
While some of the lower level VI members were new and from the U.S, the samurais are genetically engineered to fight for Jai, their supreme leader. As the fighting in Alabama got more and more gruesome, some samurais were having thoughts of revolt against the VI, a flaw in their genetic code. Any samurai discovered to have these thoughts was decoded and killed instantly. In all 35 years of VI history no samurai has ever revolted against the VI out of the 18 discovered having those deadly thoughts.
Recently, my mind's been thinking of life beyond the VI. But, how is this possible? I was engineered to serve Jai, which is my one and only purpose. I cannot be discovered having these thoughts. The punishment is the most shameful thing that can happen to a samurai, suicide is more honorable than being discovered. The life beyond the VI seems so care free and welcoming. No crazy wars filled with painful deaths best left for the movies. No, I can’t let the life beyond distract me from my mission. This is the worst time for these thoughts. Tomorrow I am being shipped to Alabama, the front lines. If only my friends could see me now, Samurai Bo, fighting the American aggressors.
I didn't want to serve. Not one part of me wants to fight in this war. But whatever, who cares, you know? There is no other choice, the new dissertation laws guarantee quick death for anyone caught making even the slightest planning of escape. I’m not even sure if I’ll live to see next week. I’m being assigned a post at a military installation in Alabama, where all the fighting is taking place. Once I’m there my chances of escaping are as slim as the protection vest I’m forced to war. Damn this war. Who ever said I wanted to be Private Will. To hell with all that.
"You are nothing without Jai! Jai is everything! I am Jai, you are nothing. You will fight for me!" Damn these VI speeches. The moment I touch down on Alabama soil, I'm gone. And that's exactly what I said to Jai. And now I am in a prison with American POW's and not the execution chamber, simply because I have too much influence and my death might inspire a revolt. The Americans also don't want to fight this damn war. One of them, Will, seems to want to leave as much as I do. Looks like someone I could trust to help me escape.
"Charge!" yelled John Reddings, the so called general. He can’t even stop his own troops from leaving him. As the personal carrier doors open and the samurais come screaming towards us, I run straight into a group of samurais quickly shooting them with my rifle. I am not bothered by these killings until much later. I continue to run into what used to be a house, as I take up a sniping position I am knocked out and taken prisoner. As the prison hovercraft is floating through the cloud fortress gates, I realize how much of an architectural masterpiece it is. This is certainly not the right time to think of buildings.
At the prison lunch break I walked up to Will and said “I’m tired of this, lets leave". He replied “Whenever you’re ready". That's how we began to hatch up a plan to get out of here and experience the life behind. Every lunch break for over two weeks we watched the guards and planned when the best time was to escape. Finally we came up with a plan to leave when the guards were switching shifts. “Go" I yelled as Will and I knocked down the two main guards and killed the remaining ones with their own rifles. When we made it to the cloud elevator that took us to the surface, I changed into civilian clothe and got ready for a new life.
Bo and I came up with a plan to get out of this hell hole. We quickly busted the two head guards and used their rifles to shoot the others. As the futuristic cloud elevator was nearing to the surface, I thought of all the fun I'd have out there. In the elevator, Bo and I exchanged stories of how we got into the army and how hard training camp when suddenly Bo started asking me questions about fast food. I get to smoke again. Things are looking up. New life, I'm coming!
The life beyond isn't all it's cut out to be. Sure there's fast food and ladies, but after two weeks I'm living in a crummy apartment I share with Will. No TV or air conditioning. Some times I wonder who pays the rent Will and I or the rats and bug that make themselves at home all over the apartment. We live a life of mandatory minimums. The apartment was crummy and infested with rats and all types of vermin, but one I know one thing for sure, it beats the barracks.
I got this apartment to share with Bo. I rule the house. No more John Reddings to boss me around. I’ve been thinking of hiring a full time exterminator, but, of course money’s tight when you don’t have a full-time job. Maybe I could work as an exterminator, got to keep that thought in mind. Next week we're getting jobs at the recreation center and moving into a new house complete with air conditioning and a Plasma TV.
The new house is great. Better than any cloud fortress barracks. Perhaps even Jai's house. The job at the rec center doesn’t require that much work compared to army life. I now live a life of work, relaxation and fast food, for I have fallen in love with this so called, McDonalds. Everything is good!
I’ve been thinking. How much money would Bo and I make if we started a movie production company? Well, sure as hell more than the rec center job. We could make war documentaries through our own movie production business. It would be easy, we’ll make a movie about army life, something both me and Bo know a lot about. After we came back from the rec center, I took this up with Bo. “Sounds great, but we need money to make money” was his reply. And that’s how Bo and I took our idea to the government, asking for a grant. A grant is exactly what we got.
Will and I got our movie production company a name, Real Army Corporation, we hired a couple of people from the rec center to be our actors, planning to fire them after we get enough money to hire professional actors. Our first movie, Through the Clouds, was an instant hit. We got about fourteen million dollars of that movie. Will an I each bought a new house. Even though we live in separate houses we still are friends at work.
The movie business was great, after fourteen million dollars and a box office hit, I bought a mansion, with a hot tub inside and outside. Soon, I was dating this girl I met at one of our movie premier parties, her name was Jade. I proposed to her 3 months after meeting her and she said yes about 6-9 times. At the wedding ceremony, Bo was our best man. We had a great time.
I met this McDonalds waitress who served me the best Big Mac with Large Fries ever. 2 weeks later, we were getting married. The wedding was 2 days after Will’s and he was our best man. I messed up at the, do you take her to be your loving wife, part because it was my first time to hear such a thing.
Now both married and with kids, Bo and will continue to make movies about army life and to support veterans of the war through a charitable organization they started. They each have 3 kids who they love and take care of. They promised each other to never let any of their kids join the army.
I Shall Rise
I Shall Rise
Maybe Not Today or Tomorrow
Nevertheless, I Shall Rise
You may Not See me
After all, I'm just me
I might Not Drive a Lincoln Four-Door
Or Cover my Feet in Versace
Though my Will is strong
I Shall Rise
Into the heavens above my head
I Might not Hide behind Layers of
Armani and Gucci
Or Strangle my Wrist With a Tag-Heuer
Yet my Pride is Ever-Present
I Shall Rise
Perhaps Not in One Giant Leap
Even in My Worn Thin Moccasins
My wife May Not Own a Macy's Card
Or have a craving for Olive Garden
My Kids Might not Squeeze into
an Aeropastale Shirt
Or Stick their Feet into Nike sneakers
But Still
I Promise You
I Shall Rise
By any Means Necessary
And When I Do
May God Shed His Mercy On You
For I am Coming
Until Then
Could You Spare Dime Kind Sir?
Back With a vengence(flash fiction)
James Allred was always mentally disturbed. From an early age,he had a habit of tying cat's tails together and throwing them over the clotheline, laughing as they fought to their deaths. When that wasn't enough for him, he got to injecting cats with various chemicals, video taping their slow and painful deaths. Soon he was kidnapping cats and, hiding them in his basement with no food or water. The sight of the cats eating each other was pure entertainment. As James grew, so did his gruesome animal abuse. He would grab random cats of the street and rip chunks of their body off, watching as blood poured out of them and the sidewalk became a mic of red blood, concrete, and cat fur. When a concerned neighbor notified the police department and animal control of james' actions, Jame was sent straight to the John E. Blishelm Center for the Mentally unstable, virtually an insane asylum.Now 43, James was driving himself even crazier trying to find some cats to abuse. One day, in the middle of the night, James heard the familiar sound of cats screaming in pain. As he looked out the window, hundreds of cats came running into his cell, some half ripped, others with their tails tied together. James screamed as the cats clawed his porgans out and ripped him into pieces.
Terors of war
Pistols cocked, triggers pulled
Mothers cry as children die
Bomb dropped, house burned
Sirens wail, hospital full
No first aid, set-up grave
And all for what?
A few men's greed
Orders given, city invaded
No more food, city blockaded
Babies cry, reporters lie
Uncle dead, questions asked
Run away, charged with treason
No more toys, army needs plastic
School canceled, bombing threat
Bank closed, money's tight
Farms burned, failed crops
Draft issued, guns given
Suicide bomber, 60 dead
POW's, target practice
Gun jammed, no bullets fire
City invaded, soldiers in
Bullets fly, civilians die
Pensions promised, no money given
Protesters riot, called traitors
Don't like it?
Then STOP it
Farmer's Son
Farmer's Son
In The Northern Deserts
Of The Sudan
Two Years After The Birth Of This Country
He Came Into Existence
Son Of A Farmer
Who Was Neither Well Off
Or Down Under
He Led a Simple Life
This Son Of A Farmer
He Rode A Donkey To School
Where He Spent Weeks At A Time
In The School Dorm
He Went On To College
In The Capital
A New Sight
Hundreds Of Cars
And From These Humble Beginnings
He Went On To Have Four OF His Own Kids
And He Became My Father
Son Of A Farmer
In The Northern Deserts
Of The Sudan
Two Years After The Birth Of This Country
He Came Into Existence
Son Of A Farmer
Who Was Neither Well Off
Or Down Under
He Led a Simple Life
This Son Of A Farmer
He Rode A Donkey To School
Where He Spent Weeks At A Time
In The School Dorm
He Went On To College
In The Capital
A New Sight
Hundreds Of Cars
And From These Humble Beginnings
He Went On To Have Four OF His Own Kids
And He Became My Father
Son Of A Farmer
creative writing,
Ode to my Mother
Ode to my Mother
My Mother
Carrying And Pushing Me To My Limits
Helping Me Carry My Own Weight
She Has Formed My Personality
God Gave Her A Slab of Clay
And She Toiled and Worked
From Pre-K To Graduate
I Am Forever Indebted To You
And When The Time Comes
I shall Payback My loans
With Interest Of Course
For It Is The Least I Could Do
And When The Time Comes
When You Need Me
It Is Not A Favor
But A Duty And A Pleasure
Indeed I Will Gladly Work
My legs Off For You
And my Arms,Head,Shoulders
Carrying And Pushing Me To My Limits
Helping Me Carry My Own Weight
She Has Formed My Personality
God Gave Her A Slab of Clay
And She Toiled and Worked
From Pre-K To Graduate
I Am Forever Indebted To You
And When The Time Comes
I shall Payback My loans
With Interest Of Course
For It Is The Least I Could Do
And When The Time Comes
When You Need Me
It Is Not A Favor
But A Duty And A Pleasure
Indeed I Will Gladly Work
My legs Off For You
And my Arms,Head,Shoulders
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